Our Services

Hearing Testing

Occupational Hearing Prevention

Tinnitus Management

Cerumen Removal

Hearing Testing

The first step of an evaluation in our offices includes a detailed case history. This is where we learn what problems have brought you to us, along with a conversation regarding your overall health, with a special focus on ear and hearing health. This also allows us to get to know you on a more personal level. After the diagnostic evaluation is complete, we then provide you your results and treatment options. We strive to ensure that you fully understand your hearing loss, as an educated patient is a happier patient.


• Whether or not you have hearing loss
• The possible cause of hearing loss
• The degree and type of hearing loss and whether it’s in one or both ears
• The best treatment options


Otoscopy allows us to determine the health and function of the outer part of the ear and general health of the tympanic membrane (eardrum).


This is a quick, yet informative test, using air pressure to assess the health of the middle part of the year. It assesses how the tympanic membrane moves, and also helps us understand how the ossicular chain is working behind the tympanic membrane. The next step is a visit to our sound booth, where we will perform air and bone conduction thresholds, speech reception thresholds, and speech understanding testing at a minimum. Depending on those results, we may do a few other tests to be able to make the best recommendations for you.


Acoustically evoked otoacoustic emission testing (OAEs) allows the hearing instrument provider to understand how the outer hair cells of your inner ear. A quick test that can tell us if structures in the inner part of the ear are working as they should, and requires no verbal response from the patient.

man wearing hearing protection at work

Occupational Hearing Protection

Are you a business leader or owner? Did you know that hearing loss is one of the most common workplace-related health problems in the U.S? As experienced audiologists, we know that noise-induced hearing loss can be reduced, or often eliminated. We have 25 years of experience in establishing and maintaining occupational hearing conservation programs. Find out more about partnering with us to protect your employees’ hearing health through our company Industrial Hearing Conservation Services.

Cerumen Removal

Ear wax, or cerumen, is the body’s natural means of lubricating your ears and keeping dirt and debris away from the eardrum. This sticky substance can build up in the ear and cause hearing loss. A hearing loss caused by cerumen is 100% treatable. We will either use a curette, a small LED light with a loop on the end, or the Earigator™ machine that allows us to use temperature regulated water to gently flush out the ear canal.


Conductive hearing loss is usually temporary; this type of hearing loss can be fixed with medication, a short procedure and, on rare occasions, with surgery.


This type of hearing loss occurs when tiny hairs in the cochlea are missing or damaged. Getting fitted with hearing aids is the only non-surgical solution.

hearing symbol


Caused by strokes and central nervous system diseases, this type of hearing loss usually involves a therapy called auditory rehabilitation.


A combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, this type of hearing loss is usually treated with hearing aids alone, and occasionally in conjunction with medication, a short procedure or with surgery.

Prevent Hearing Loss Now

Are you a business leader or owner? Did you know that noise-induced hearing loss can be reduced, or often eliminated, through occupational hearing conservation programs? We have 25 years of experience in partnering with companies to protect employees’ hearing and comply with OSHA standards through our company Industrial Hearing Conservation Services.

What’s The Right Treatment For Your Type Of Hearing Loss?

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